Other Activism
Markers For Democracy
Founded and still based in NYC, Markers For Democracy (markersfordemocracy.org) has grown a USA-wide virtual membership. They are a source for postcarders' support and inspiration. To participate in postcard campaigns, open an account to download addresses and scripts.
Markers For Democracy hosts on-line gatherings with Democratic luminaries for postcard-writing sessions: fun, fascinating, talk to accompany your card writing.
From their website: "Markers For Democracy, an all-volunteer organization, is dedicated to building and maintaining an inclusive and educated grassroots community focused on saving American democracy. We achieve this through daily engagement in postcard writing and other forms of activism to promote the election of Democrats up and down the ballot all over the country."
See indivisible.org - an influential network of local on-the-ground activists. This is a decentralized organization; chapters work on local/state projects. A West Seattle Indivisible group has started. Write Postcards4Democracy here on our contact page - tell us you want to be connected to the local leaders of Indivisible.
5 Calls
5Calls.org tells us "5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for U.S. constituents to make a political impact. Once your congressperson forms a public stance on an issue, it’s hard for them to walk it back. The earlier they hear your opinion, the more likely it is you’ll make an impact. Calling is by far the most effective way to ensure that your representative hears you before they take a public stance."
A few months before the 2026 mid-terms, get in touch with this Washington state activism resource for state political races. Postcards4WA supports important races in Washington State - at all political levels. Write cards at home. Postcards4WA organizers are based in the Seattle area.
FAQs: https://postcards4wa.org/faq
Contact: postcards4wa@gmail.com